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No Country For Old Men: Coin Toss Scene

Coin Toss Scene This scene from No Country For Old Men details power struggle at it's best and is the first real insight we have into the main antagonist (Anton Chigurh) and his personality. It's made almost immediately obvious at the very beginning of the scene that Chigurh is very literally not someone an audience member can relate to as a character, he appears as the camera is focused on the shop keeper, seemingly out of the shadows as if he was a shadow himself, his wardrobe is also used to accentuate the fact that he is seen as somewhat of a dark figure, dressed in all black it automatically creates a contrast to the shopkeepers almost friendly yellow checkered plaid shirt and as it was chosen to be done during the day is also creates a contrast towards the surroundings and makes Chigurh look even more like a shadow-like figure. Javier Bardem who plays Chigurh expresses menace through everything his character does, from his facial expressions to the tone of his voic

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