Trainspotting: Betrayal Scene

Betrayal Scene

Trainspotting's final scene depicts Renton's final choice. The film begins with his friends and himself, seemingly described as a team but it ends with Renton himself on his own with the bag full of money. Both the ending and opening scenes are shot in a fast paced up-beat way but it could be argued that the opening of the film is in fact actually more optimistic than it's ending, with every character at the beginning of the film shown to be happy in their own way, by the end of the film one of the team is dead, and Renton's decision to provide Spud with money as well almost forces their implied separation as it is unlikely that Begby and Sick Boy with their volatile personalities are likely to get along with it just being those two. It is also implied that Renton despite his theft of the money that they all worked to steal together knew that they would not be able to fairly share it as it is shown throughout the film through the characters that life simply isn't all that fair; from the death of the baby to the only character who could really help his life being underage and in school. Renton once again repeats his opening monologue of his 'Choose Life' speech implying that to him now life means doing things his own way and not following his friends or family but making his own decisions.


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